Unlimited iPhone downloads

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Meebo Brings Instant Messaging on the iPhone

One of the major iPhone flaws is the lack of a native instant messaging client. But thanks to Meebo, iPhone users can now chat using an iPhone friendly interface.
Simply browse to Meebo.com with your iPhone and you will automatically be directed to the iPhone-formatted site.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Unlocked iPhone: You Can do it Now in Europe!

t looks like the guys from Hackint0sh have finally been able to truly unlock the iPhone. Using a very complex procedure posted by forum member Sassha, the hack makes your iPhone compatible with European SIM cards. You can now make and receive calls and sms. According to the hacker, the Youtube application is the only thing that won't work with this hack.

But before you rush over to the forum, you must know that if you perform this hack, your provider can block your subscription. You also need to know that performing this type of modification is completely illegal and could also void your iPhone warranty permanently. Still want to know more about it? Ok then, here are the prerequisites:

Go to the hackint0sh for a complete description of the hack.

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